He’s an American author, motivational speaker, former stockbroker and most importantly, a multimillionaire!!! He published a memoir, The Wolf of Wall Street, which was made into a film about his rise and fall as a rags to riches and back to rags millionaire stockbroker. The main subject matter of his seminars is what he has called “Straight Line System”, a system of business advice. He’s Jordan Belfort and here’s his Top 10 Rules for Success list and video, Enjoy.
1. Take action
Before starting college, he earned $20,000 selling Italian ice to people at a local beach.
2. Learn to sell
He went on to graduate from American University with a degree in biology.
3. Become unconsciously competent
He became a door-to-door meat and seafood salesman on Long Island.
4. Set your goals high
He grew his business to employ several workers and sold 5,000 pounds of beef and fish a week.
5. Have a vision
However, the business ultimately failed, as he filed for bankruptcy at 25.
6. Be honest with yourself
Family friend helped him find a job as a trainee stockbroker at L.F. Rothschild.
7. Get rich quick
He originally founded Stratton Oakmont as a franchise of Stratton Securities.
8. Master your internal world
He wrote two memoirs, The Wolf of Wall Street and Catching the Wolf of Wall Street.
9. Try your hardest
He also runs sales seminars entitled “Jordan Belfort’s Straight Line Sales Psychology”.
10. Create your own destiny
When he first began speaking he focused largely on motivation and ethics.